The following is general information on Arrow Global, one of the debt purchasers we frequently find ourselves fighting in court. We do not act for this company, we act for clients being sued by them.
Arrow Global
Arrow Global describe themselves as ‘a leading European investor and asset manager in the non-performing and non-core assets sector. …..evolving our model by developing a discretionary Fund Management business in order to capitalise on market opportunities’. In other words, Arrow Global are a company that purchase bad debts, particularly consumer credit debt.
Arrow Global operate in 5 European countries and employs over 2,000 staff to manage over £50 billion of assets i.e. debts that the customer is not paying.
Companies that are part of the Arrow Global Group include:
- Arrow Global Group PLC
- Arrow Global Limited
- Arrow Global Guernsey Limited
- Arrow Global (Guernsey) Limited,
- Capquest Investments Limited,
- Capquest Asset Management Limited
Arrow Global companies usually issue the claims against consumers in bulk using Arrow Global Limited, Arrow Global (Guernsey) Limited, or Capquest Investments Limited or a firm of Solicitors, Drydens Fairfax, a trading name of Drydens Limited, who are also part of the Arrow Global Group of companies.
If you have received a letter of claim or a County Court Claim from Arrow or Capquest or Arrow or Capquest have obtained a default judgment against you, we can advise you how to proceed, or we can act for you. These claims can be defended. Our view is that these companies once they issue county court proceedings must show us and the courts that they have complied with the statutory requirements of the Consumer Credit Act 1974, the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA) and the Law of Property Act 1925. If they have not, then they are not legally entitled to enforce these debts. We defend all cases vigorously – our record of success in defending these claims or setting aside default judgment is near 100%.
This is an example of one of the many claims we have successfully defended against Arrow Global:
Arrow Global Guernsey Limited v Watson (County Court at Blackpool) (2019) Claim for monies owing under a MBNA Europe Bank Limited credit card agreement – Defendants application for Summary Judgment and/or the Claim to be struck out as no cause of action pleaded and the Claimant is not authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority to issue a claim in the county court- Particulars of Claim struck out, Summary Judgment for the Defendant, claim dismissed and costs on the indemnity basis.
Please note that County Court decisions are not binding on other judges. Each case has to be argued and defended on its own merits.
Contact us at [email protected] or telephone 0151 254 6980.